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Posts in Category Programming

Diving Into Docker

06 September 2016

The Planning and Execution Around Dockerizing My Blog

In the last post, I detailed how I was struggling a bit with the development process for this blog, in the sense that moving the individual pieces of the app from server to server was becoming a h .....
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One Step Back for Two Steps Forward

10 August 2016

Musings on software stability

Nearly a month has passed since my last entry. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind summer for me, which at least in some small part has accounted for my sparse contributions to this blog. As I talked .....
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PostgreSQL Progression

27 May 2016

How I use libpqxx to help publish blog posts

One of the TO DO items I had after completing my blog platform was creating a mechanism through which I could publish posts. Like everything else, there are many many ways to slice this loaf of br .....
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